Tragic Love

"Behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic"
- Oscar Wilde


A timeline of the events taking place that influenced our romance


3100 BC

Egypt was founded when Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt into a single dynasty

2700-2200 BC

Old Kingdom

A period of prosperity and splendor in which pyramid construction and the term pharaoh were introduced.

2199-2051 BC

A long period of chaos insuded in the tie between the Old and Middle Kingdom

2050-1652 BC

The Middle Kingdom

The Middle Kingdom has been protrayted as Egypt's Golden Age. It was marked by expansion and a new, more carring  reltionship between pharoahs and their people. Unfortunatlly this ended with the invasion of the Hyksos from Western Asia.

1567-1085 BC

The New Kingdom

The New Kingdom was maked with pharohs wanting to mix things up. Unfortunatly this lead to unstability and conquest.

332 BC

Alexander the Great gains control of Egypt establishing Alexandia as its Greek Capital. He put the Ptolemaic Family in comand.

51 BC

After the death of their brother 18 year old Cleopatra VII and her 10 year old brother Ptolemy XIII are put into power as a co-regency.


753-509 BC

Early Rome

Period of time when Rome was ruled by by seven kings

509 BC

The Roman Republic was formed when the last of Etruscan kings was overthrown

264 BC

First Punic War

241 BC

Rome defeated Carthage off the Sicilian coast

218-201 BC

Second Punic War

146 BC

Rome destroyed Carthage.

129 BC

Pergamum becomes Romes first Asia providence.

107 BC

Marius becomes consul and begins his unique recruiting strategies.

60 BC

Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey come together to form Rome's first triumvirate.

44 BC

Caesar becomes assassinated.
Second Triumvirate formed.

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